For all cryptocurrencies available on, there is an option to use advantages of 24/7 cryptocurrency sending, except for tether (USDT). The time of sending the purchased tether (USDT) is related to the working hours of the ECD Transaction Processing Team (Mon-Fri 09: 00-17: 30). Cryptocurrencies will be sent several times a day during the mentioned business hours.
If all necessary conditions are met during the process of buying request creation, price will be guaranteed, but coins will be sent afterwards, as already explained.
It is possible to buy tether (USDT) via electronic, mobile banking or by submitting payment orders at the payment service providers’ counters.
The amount you paid must match the amount you indicated when creating the claim.
Use the reference number indicated in the payment instructions provided.
It is not possible to buy tether (USDT) using ECD Express.
Keep in mind that ECD supports ERC20 protocol for tether transactions.
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