In this article, we go through the process of buying cryptocurrencies on the ECD exchange.
After successfully logging into the ECD portal , a list of cryptocurrencies available for purchase or sale are visible in the middle of the page. For each currency, its indicative price is shown, as well as the change in that price in the last 24 hours expressed in percentages. The final price will be visible when creating the transaction.
We select the BUY option and are required to enter the following information:
- The amount of RSD for which we want to buy cryptocurrency. There is an option to enter the amount of cryptocurrency in the cryptocurrency field.
- The next field is where you can enter the discount code if you have one. If you have just completed the account verification process, you received a discount code from ECD in your email that can only be used for the first transaction. If you don’t have that or any other discount code, you can skip this field.
- Your crypto address. You enter the address from the cryptocurrency wallet where you want the purchased currency to arrive.
IMPORTANT NOTICE! For Ethereum the ECD exchange currently only supports transactions via the ERC20 protocol! Entering the wrong address can lead to permanent loss of funds. - Addresses can be remembered and named for easier navigation in the future, but this is not a mandatory step.
If all the data is filled in correctly, we select the Submit Request option.
In the next step, you will receive an e-mail message to confirm the transaction. The e-mail contains a link to confirm the purchase. We’ll click on that link. In case the e-mail message does not arrive in the inbox or junk or spam folder, click on the option You did not receive an e-mail?
The link takes us back to the purchase page on the exchange’s website. A timer is visible counting down 20 minutes, which is the time limit for submitting a purchase request if you want to achieve the Guaranteed Price. If our e-banking system determines that the money has been transferred within 20 minutes of the creation of the request in accordance with the payment instructions, ECD guarantees you the amount of cryptocurrency that was shown to you during the creation of the request and that you received in the e-mail. If our system records an inflow of RSD after 20 minutes from the creation of the request, the amount of cryptocurrencies you will receive is recalculated based on the current price of cryptocurrencies at the time the inflow was recorded. If the price of the cryptocurrency has increased, you will receive a smaller amount than what was stated in the request. If the price of cryptocurrency has fallen, you will receive a higher amount of cryptocurrency than requested.
Further, as it can be seen in the image above, we mark the box that we agree with Terms and Conditions and select the option Submit a request .
Next, the page gives us confirmation that the request has been submitted.
Finally, by clicking on Payment instructions, you get all the information on how to fill out the order, that is, the QR code that you scan if you want to pay with e-banking or a similar application of your bank.
If you pay electronically, the payment code must be 289, instead of 189.
Cryptocurrencies are sent to your crypto address as soon as our system determines the RSD inflow based on your request.
If three business days have gone by and the inflow is not visible in our e-banking system, the request will be automatically cancelled.
This completes the process of buying cryptocurrencies on the ECD exchange.
*If you by any chance close this window, you can easily view the payment details, by going to the transactions in the drop down menu on the right part of the screen by your name. There you will see a table containing the list of your transactions.