1. Buy
You can buy cryptocurrencies for RSD that you have exclusively on ECD Wallet.
Clicking on the Buy, a window option opens showing:
- The token of the cryptocurrency you want to buy
- The amount of cryptocurrency you want to buy
- The amount of RSD required to purchase the corresponding amount of cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrencies will be sent to your ECD Wallet after a successful purchase and will be available after 2 network confirmations.
You can check the status of transactions and the number of confirmations in “My Transactions”.
2. Sell
You can sell the cryptocurrencies you have in ECD Wallet for RSD.
Clicking on the Sell option opens a window showing:
- The token of the cryptocurrency you want to sell.
- The amount of cryptocurrency
- The amount of RSD that will be received for the corresponding amount of cryptocurrency
After the successful sale of cryptocurrency, RSD will be sent to your ECD Wallet.
3. Deposit
You can deposit available cryptocurrencies from any crypto address to the crypto address of your ECD Wallet.
Clicking on the DEPOSIT option opens a window showing:
- The token of the cryptocurrency you want to deposit on the ECD Wallet
- QR code representing your crypto address on ECD Wallet. By scanning the QR code through another wallet or crypto exchange, you can speed up the process of copying the crypto address
- Your crypto address on ECD Wallet, which you can easily copy
4. Send
You can send available cryptocurrencies from your ECD Wallet to any other crypto address.
Clicking on the Send option opens a window showing:
- The token of the cryptocurrency you want to send from ECD Wallet
- The total amount you want to send must be entered
- The total quantity to be shipped
- Transaction costs
In order for the funds to be set, as a security measure, you will need to insert and confirm the cryptoaddress you wish to send the funds to. Instructions linked.
In order to be successfully executed, during the process it is necessary to enter the MFA and Wallet security word for the security of your funds.
Dinars in ECD Wallet
There are two ways to use RSD on your ECD Wallet through the option:
1. Deposit
By clicking on the Deposit option, a new window opens in which:
- You enter the amount RSD
- You confirm
- Payment instructions or a QR code appear. By scanning the QR code through the e-banking application, you speed up the process
There is no RSD deposit limit.
There are no transaction costs for depositing RSD.
2. Send
If you have available RSD on ECD Wallet, you can send them to your bank account.
Clicking on the Withdraw option opens a new window in which:
- You enter the amount RSD
- Enter your bank account to which the funds will be sent
- You have an overview of the amount that will be received and the calculated transaction costs
IMPORTANT NOTE – If you have an active transaction on the exchange, you cannot create a request within the wallet until that existing request is realized or canceled.