Ethereum – šta je, kako funkcioniše i koje su njegove prednosti?
Jedna od najuticajnijih ličnosti u kripto svetu današnjice Vitalik Buterin osnovao je Ethereum 2015. godine. Projekat je zvanično predstavljen javnosti...
Fees and limits: Read more about our buying and selling fees
Fees and limits: Read more about our buying and selling fees
Feel free to try out our service. Buy and sell crypto within minutes!
Create a free account on
Confirm your identity within two minutes at one of the many verification sites
Use ECD Wallet, make transactions 24/7 with better conditions, referral program and other benefits
Your crypto and fiat funds are yours during the entire process of using ECD services. During the process of buying and selling crypto, we do not hold your funds, we buy them and sell them for you.
You have complete control over the entire process and terms while buying or selling crypto, 24/7. Our Terms of Use are completely transparent, because we believe in the system on which ECD was created.
Always there for you through different channels of communication: LIVE CHAT, PHONE, MAIL! Even if you're not our user, our team will be there to answer all your questions regarding our services and clear up any concerns you might have related to crypto.
We're the largest exchange platform in the region. ECD was the first to introduce a network of crypto ATMs in Serbia. We nurtured partnership with great global crypto projects such as "Crypto Compare".
years in business
loyal customers
crypto ATMs in Serbia
successfully completed transactions
We deeply believe that the blockchain revolution is unstoppable and we try to be active participants of that revolution by spreading awareness and creating the local infrastructure needed for the use of cryptocurrencies. Our service is focused on availability and simplicity because we want to make it easier for everyone to use what we think is the future of money.
Aleksandar MatanovicECD Co-founder & CEO, MSc in Digital Currency
Jedna od najuticajnijih ličnosti u kripto svetu današnjice Vitalik Buterin osnovao je Ethereum 2015. godine. Projekat je zvanično predstavljen javnosti...
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Vitalik Buterin, mladi genije savremenog doba, rođen je 31. Januara 1994. godine u Kolomni, ruskom gradu na obalama reka Moskva i Oka. Vitalik je zaslužan...
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