ECD express is a cryptocurrency brokerage service where the amount of cryptocurrency that the customer receives is known in advance and is guaranteed to send cryptocurrency as soon as possible.
You can make a payment with Mastercard or Maestro payment cards. At no point is payment card information available to the ECD exchange system. It is necessary for your account on to be personally verified. From the homepage, select a cryptocurrency you want to buy. Then you choose the type of service, in this case, ECD express. Enter the desired amount (RSD) in the field and the amount according to the current value, will be displayed in the cryptocurrency field. Then enter the cryptocurrency address to which you want the cryptocurrency to be sent and click ‘Confirm’. You will then receive a confirmation email. If you make the payment within twenty minutes, the request will be approved and the exact amount of cryptocurrency will be sent within a few minutes to the indicated address. If payment is not made within twenty minutes, the request will be canceled and no service will be charged.
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